Monday, November 2, 2009

Do You Think You Have It Bad?

MAN SUES AXE FOR LACK OF GIRLS: An Indian man having trouble with the ladies is suing the company that makes Axe products for over $40,000 because the products did not help him attract any women. The Axe products, marketed as Lynx in India, include body sprays, shampoos, deorderents and soaps. The man says he used the products for seven years and did not attract a single girlfriend. The lawsuit states that he is suing the company for "depression and psychological damage"

Officials say they believe they have found an alligator that escaped from a wildlife officer who brought the animal to his daughter's "show and tell". A spokesman for the wildlife commission says they believe the 5-foot long escaped animal is in a pond, but have not yet been able to capture it. The gator leaped out of the man's car with its mouth taped shut shortly after he left the school.

A British plastic surgeon says he married his wife for her "potential" beauty and has performed eight surgeries on her. He says that he "hated" her body, but knew she could be improved. His wife has had procedures on her eyes, forehead, thighs and chest. The woman has also had work done on her behind, belly and countless botox injections.The plastic surgeon says that he is now "finally" in love with his wife.

A Wisconsin woman who was driving under the influence of alcohol called police to report herself. The woman called 911 to report a drunk driver, but when the dispatcher asked if she was behinid the vehicle the woman told them she was the drunk driver. The dispatched then told the woman to pull over and wait for police to arrive. She failed sobriety tests and had a blood alcohol content level of .19, more than twice the legal limit.

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