Monday, December 14, 2009

Good Morning, Monday December 14th 2009


President Barack Obama is asking bank executives to support his efforts to tighten the financial industry, while bankers are prepared to tell the president he should stop oversimplifying their concerns if he wants good-faith collaboration.
An hourlong meeting between the president and the nation's top financial firms was shaping up to be a tense White House encounter on Monday, not least because of Obama's description of bankers on the eve of the talks as "fat cats."

Born in 1937, Albert L. Peter had never been charged with a single crime, until he stole $980 in quarters from Wildwood parking meters that he was supposed to be fixing.
Peter, 72, was sentenced to three years' probation and 90 days in jail Friday for the theft.
He was arrested in July after being seen placing two bank bags in his car. Peter had been working an $11-per-hour job as a seasonal city employee fixing broken meters at the time.


Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was punched in the face at the end of a rally on Sunday by a man holding a small statue in his hand, leaving the 73-year-old media mogul with a bloodied mouth and looking stunned

TV showed the leader with blood under his nose, on his mouth and under one eye being lifted to his feet by aides after the attack

A nurse has been convicted of assaulting elderly patients by hitting them with a pillow, kicking them onto their beds and forcing them to the ground with "controlled assistance."
Amanda Manuel, 30, of Greenwith, Australia showed little emotion as the judge in Court found her guilty Friday of five counts of assault.
She is said to have hit one female patient with a pillow and "punted" another in the back to force her onto a bed.

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